
八个不养龙猫的理由: (原文出处:http://www.chinchillaplanet.com/why-not-to-have-a-pet-chinchilla/)
* Chinchillas are crepuscular which means they may not be awake when you are and they may make noise while you are trying to sleep.
* Chinchillas need attention, but they don't like to be picked up. This makes them less than ideal for young children.
* Chinchillas need to have their cage cleaned frequently for their own health and to keep it from smelling.
* Chinchillas will chew on everything including baseboards, doors, furniture, and wires. If you can't chinchilla-proof a room, you're going to be in for a lot of maintenance.
* Chinchillas can live up to 20 years which means a long-term commitment.
* You can't leave your chinchillas unattended for days while you travel.
* Chinchillas don't travel well. Their skittish nature means that travel will cause them stress.
* Chinchillas can overheat and die under conditions that you would find tolerable.