巴萨这华丽丽的攻势足球胜利,海边成群结队的鱼虾蟹蚌,Inception这样看得我会心不已的片子,统统都没有心情记下来;至于什么三峡影帝日记捐款流向被哀悼,制度下的坏人驱逐好人,那更是越发的在待写单子上越泛越黄……或许这就是传说中的get a life,尽管我并不知道这是用心拥抱生活,还是渐渐被生活吞没……
To be honest, this is one of the best blog article i have seen from you in recent years. I feel the same way that life have drowned me into its whilrling current. Things are soooo absurd that i don't know how to respond to them but just leave them the way they are. We will learn our own way of living, sooner or later, or so i believe. Haha. Good luck.
To be honest, this is one of the best blog article i have seen from you in recent years. I feel the same way that life have drowned me into its whilrling current. Things are soooo absurd that i don't know how to respond to them but just leave them the way they are. We will learn our own way of living, sooner or later, or so i believe. Haha. Good luck.
To be honest, this is one of the best blog article i have seen from you in recent years.
回复删除I feel the same way that life have drowned me into its whilrling current. Things are soooo absurd that i don't know how to respond to them but just leave them the way they are.
We will learn our own way of living, sooner or later, or so i believe. Haha.
Good luck.
To be honest, this is one of the best blog article i have seen from you in recent years.
回复删除I feel the same way that life have drowned me into its whilrling current. Things are soooo absurd that i don't know how to respond to them but just leave them the way they are.
We will learn our own way of living, sooner or later, or so i believe. Haha.
Good luck.