





在第一遍看完的时候俺就已经认同了这片译名与片子的极度不相称 ……次要原因是这片不错,主要的问题就是:这片的剧情和宝莱坞有半毛钱关系啊?!类似那一只让人困惑的知更鸟,原文里没有的东西是不能出现在阅读理解里面的晓得伐?!……原名《3 idiots》是三傻没问题,大闹吧算是意译……可宝莱坞是表明拍摄地点的意思么?这名取得,一下就生生的从校园片跨界到了娱乐圈……的确不愧为坑爹译名排行榜第一位-_-b

除了这个鬼斧神工的片名之外,这片别的都很好,好到……嗯,和toy story 3差不多上下的程度,即:看的时候很高兴,回头想想还是有那么一两点让我纠结着不能给满分……在这片来说这要命的一点就是狗血……类似台湾八点档的风格,不是说咣咣自杀之类的情节,那还是真能说服观众的,主要是表现方式……某些时刻编剧用力极度过猛,并且还三翻四抖,演员还十分配合的overact,真是让人有些招架不住……例如女主的姐姐生孩子那一段,先是开除男主三人,又遇上洪水停电,男主不仅用上了之前暗示过的从车用蓄电池直流变交流,12V到220V变压的伟大发明,并且在停电没有3G的状况下通过视频向女主医生学习了接生技术,还顺手用真空计和分压电阻顺利实现了吸尘器变吸婴器,已经小强到极点了之后孩子生下来了居然还不好好哭,大家泪奔了以后,男主灵机一动居然动用了另一伏笔里的智者真言让小孩感应过来了……然后正当男主毫无牵挂的认命离开当口,系主任也就是女主她爸激动的在瓢泼大雨里追出来,递给了男主更前面一个伏笔里的象征性圆珠笔,并且激动的再度落泪……当然开除的事也就这么算了……Orz……不是我这人较真,包袱再响这么抖也很难让人接受啊……

然而你一旦忍下这种叙事风格,这片就无敌了……那简直就是主题深刻,情节跌宕,结构精巧……眼熟段子也不老少,重要的是都还很有诚意的二次开发过了……比方那个苏联人用铅笔的事和当初在youtube火到不行的“you know who i am”的考试段子(贴在后面了),同时对天朝同学来说一点也不需要观影背景,印度社会是那么亲切…………当然我指的是电影中除了男主以外的一切事情…………那些学生里死记硬背的尖子,家庭负担沉重的老大难,身在曹营心在汉的后进份子,以及努力学习但不知学习为何的大多数……都是如此的眼熟,报价器啥的孩子也绝对是生活一景,尤其是那个只认竞争的系主任非常让我喜欢,那绝对是一个有良知有手段的知识分子啊……再一次验证了反派的学历一般都很高这个事……

并且,这片里看起来相对合理的取景和情节终于填补了我对现代印度认识的一部分空白,许多经过无数的美剧扭曲的细节从印度人眼里坦然的表现出来十分让人会心:比方说考试拜神那一段就让我想起很多印度角色的经典台词:“Which god?”……还有“100块连交警都搞不定”的旁白也相当有神韵……然后这里的arrange marriage显然也要人性化得多,实在忍不下去是可以不结婚的……总之开卷有益,这个故事告诉我……以后要克服语言障碍多看各国电影,不然咋环游世界啊?








school prank一览(下)

1.9 Nipple cripple
Also known as a "titty twister", "nipple twist", "ruby booby", "tweak", "nipple wrench", "nipple gripple" or a "(purple) nurple", "purple herbie" or "diddy nip". It is the act of taking a person's nipple between the thumb and forefinger and then twisting it around, often causing extreme pain for the victim. On August 8, 2005, a 15-year-old living in Gold Hill, Oregon, was charged with a misdemeanor for perpetrating this act on a 13-year-old boy. The 15-year-old was fined $67 and given three days of community service.[1]

这个在周星驰那一版的鹿鼎记里面被命名为“揸/抓波龙爪手” ……好孩子不学哈

1.10 Noogie
Sometimes called a Monkey Scrub, Hippo Handing or Russian Haircut, a noogie is performed when the middle knuckles of the fore and middle fingers are rubbed vigorously against the surface of the scalp, stretching the skin and pulling the hair. A headlock may be applied for more exact or prolonged execution. This will trap the victim. An open-hand variant known as the Dutch Rub is performed with the heel of the hand.[1]


1.11 Shoe-lacing
This prank involves the tying of a victim's shoe laces together, typically while the victim is seated and distracted. The laces may also be tied to a nearby object such as a chair leg. This may cause the victim to unexpectedly trip or stumble when attempting to get up and move. This prank may be combined with a taunt or additional prank designed to provoke the victim into getting up and running after the prankster, resulting in a more pronounced effect. A related but more destructive prank involves secretly cutting the shoelaces with scissors.[1]


1.12 Short sheeting

A prank done at boarding schools, college dorms, camps or on excursions where children sleep in full beds (also common in the military). A bed sheet is untucked at the foot end of the bed and folded toward the head, making it look as if it is two sheets (an undersheet and top sheet). The victim will find that he or she cannot get into bed (as doing this "shortens" the bed length). Also known as an 'apple-pie bed' in the UK.[1]

In a variant of the 'apple-pie bed', described in "The Reverent Wooing of Archibald," a story by P.G. Wodehouse, the upper and lower sheets are sewn together and a spiny plant inserted in between to keep company with the victim as he slips himself in between.


1.13 Spitball
A "spitball" is a clump of paper that the prankster has chewed and steeped in his or her saliva, to be thrown, spit, or blown at a person or object. If not removed from some types of surface, they dry and harden into a sort of paper cement. Small spitballs are often propelled by placing them in a straw or the shaft of a disassembled hollow pen and blowing through the other end. Larger spitballs are sometimes flicked with the fingers, a flexible ruler or through the use of a rubber band. Sometimes, whole sheets of paper are crumpled and inserted into the mouth for a period of up to five minutes to form a large spitball that is usually thrown manually.[1]


1.14 Swirlie
The act of holding the victim upside down with his or her head in the toilet bowl, and flushing. Typically perpetrated by two or more older, larger individuals, this type of bullying can be dangerous as it can result in the drowning of the victim. Instances of swirling have been prosecuted in courts.[6] More commonly known as bogwashing in the UK and New Zealand, or dunnyflushing in Australia.[citation needed]

1.15 Towel snap
Also known as a "Towel Whip," "Towel Whipping," a "Rat-Tail," or "Rat-Tailing," the prankster twists a towel along the diagonal (typically dampened to hold its shape), making it into a whip with a towel corner at the tip. The prankster then "snaps" the towel as if cracking a whip, striking the victim with the end tip of the towel and causing pain. This prank is usually performed in communal showers, where wet towels are plentiful and bare skin provides opportunity to maximize the pain inflicted.[1]


1.16 Wedgie
A wedgie (sometimes also known as a "gotchie" or "grundy" in Canada) is any one of a variety of pranks involving pulling the victim's underwear up so that it wedges between the buttocks and may even be performed to the extent that the victim's underpants are torn off. A wedgie may be performed by one attacker, or by a group. On April 6, 2006, Fox News reported on an Albany, New York teacher who was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child for giving a 10-year-old student a wedgie.[1][7]

In 2007, eight-year-old second graders Jared and Justin Serovich came up with "wedgie-proof" underwear at the Central Ohio Invention Competition 2007 where their invention got them into the finals.[8]


1.17 Wet willy
Usually performed on a sleeping or otherwise unsuspecting person, the perpetrator of a wet willy wets his or her finger with saliva and inserts it into the ear of the victim.

沾口水的手伸到别人耳朵里……太不卫生了,哪有我们小时候使蛐蛐草智商高 ……



school prank一览(上)


这个属于确实没法简短翻译的东西,正如happy corner在专有名词化之前在香港地区也就只有一个叫撞柱子的诨名,远不似happy corner及阿鲁巴这样有专门指向(参见http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Corner)……所以如果翻做“拉高内裤”的话,也很难让看到的人理解这是一种什么样的行为,尤其是在官话体系内 ……换在贵阳话里倒是可以做“逮裤儿”一类……不过这种没有对应的实指动/名词,还是音译比较靠谱……

追溯这词的当口, 俺猛然瞟到一个词条,叫school prank(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_pranks),里面例举了十几种主要是在北美常见的恶作剧,真乃校园剧翻译之必备参考:看到这些词如果没有和国内对应的话就别试图翻清爽了吧……

1.1 Debagging

Debagging, also known as depantsing or "pantsing" and various other names ["dacking" in Australia] is the act of pulling down a person's pants and sometimes also the person's underwear, which reveals the person's genitalia. The most common method is to sneak up behind the intended victim, grab the pants', shorts', or skirt's waistband, and apply a quick downward tug before the victim is aware of the debagger's presence.[1] Note: In some states, (e.g. Massachusetts) that is considered sexual harassment and can result in suspension and/or expulsion.


1.2 Circle game

The central theme in the Malcolm in the Middle "Dinner Out" TV episode is the circle game (also known as hole-tempting or ball-gazing), where by a person gets someone else to look at their hand while forming a circle below the waist. If they look, the prankster gets to hit them.[2]

The Circle Hand Game can be traced back to 1929 when the 'brothers' of the City College of New York's Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity were searching for a new way to haze pledges without technically breaking CCNY's anti-hazing rules.[3]

这个怎么说……换成中文音响效果应该是:“你看你看……砰……啪……啊……” , 不试图翻译

1.3 Flat tire or flat foot

The heel of the victim is trodden upon, which may cause the victim to stumble. Stepping on the rear portion of the shoe as the foot lifts and thereby removing it is also a "heels" variant known as a "flat tire". A variant is to kick their heel forwards as it lifts.[1]


1.4 Hertz doughnut

This prank fools the victim into giving their permission to get punched. The prankster approaches the chosen target with a closed doughnut or pastry box and asks "Would you like a hertz doughnut?" If the target says yes, the prankster then punches the target in the arm and asks "Hurts, don't it?" (which sounds like "doughnut").


1.5 Indian or Chinese burn

Known primarily as an "Indian burn" or "Chinese burn" in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, "buffalo skin" in India, "snake bite" or "Indian rub" in Canada, an "Indian sunburn" or "Indian rug burn" in the United States (except in some midwest states such as Wisconsin where it is known as a snakebite), "policeman's glove" or "hundred needles" in Hungary, "barbed wire" in the Netherlands, "needles" in Bulgaria and "Brennessel" ("stinging nettle") in Austria and the southern parts of Germany, "thousand needle stings" in the northern parts of Germany, "thousand needles" in Sweden, "Nettle" in Poland and Russia, "French Cuff" in Denmark, this is a prank done by grasping the victim's forearm firmly in both hands, and then twisting the hands in opposite directions about the victim's arm, causing the tender skin to stretch, making it red and sore.[1]


1.6 Kancho

Kancho is a prank played out in Japan;[4] it is performed by clasping the hands together so the index fingers are pointing out and attempting to insert them sharply into someone's anal region when the victim is not looking.[5] It is similar to the wedgie or a goosing.


1.7 "Kick me"

A note (commonly reading "Kick me") is attached to the back of an unsuspecting victim. This prank may be performed with Post-it notes or other objects like paper and tape.[1]


1.8 Mooning

"Mooning" is displaying one's bared buttocks to someone, so-called because the buttocks are generally not suntanned, so resembles a full moon. It is commonly performed out of windows of moving buses and cars. There are rare cases when the person is in a room and the lights are off, but once the lights are turned on, the offender's buttocks are visible, hence the name "full moon". There are cases where the pants are pulled down in the front to show the frontal areas.

一样的脱裤子,不过这个是主动的……所以其实脱裤子这个行为作为恶作剧的构成要素完全不在乎你脱的是谁的裤子,关键词是主动…………翻成“亮屁屁”或者 “亮萝兜”?




说实话,其实俺是从来从来也没现场看过皮影的,正如俺从来没现场看过熊骑摩托……所以俺对皮影的印象就是这个名词而已,所以那天看到熊猫开场的时候俺就被震撼了……一瞬间《张飞审瓜 》和《猪八戒吃西瓜》就涌上了心头,还有些《活着》里附着的片段,总之是片片回忆搞得俺走了神,完全没仔细看引子里的孔雀家事……虽然后半场反应过来的时候俺完全不明白为啥主创不用凤凰,不过人家这都会皮影了,啥都得精髓了让我等中华儿女情何以堪…………
















陈晓旭 (显然不是本人唱的不过)

