这个属于确实没法简短翻译的东西,正如happy corner在专有名词化之前在香港地区也就只有一个叫撞柱子的诨名,远不似happy corner及阿鲁巴这样有专门指向(参见http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Corner)……所以如果翻做“拉高内裤”的话,也很难让看到的人理解这是一种什么样的行为,尤其是在官话体系内 ……换在贵阳话里倒是可以做“逮裤儿”一类……不过这种没有对应的实指动/名词,还是音译比较靠谱……
追溯这词的当口, 俺猛然瞟到一个词条,叫school prank(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_pranks),里面例举了十几种主要是在北美常见的恶作剧,真乃校园剧翻译之必备参考:看到这些词如果没有和国内对应的话就别试图翻清爽了吧……
1.1 Debagging
Debagging, also known as depantsing or "pantsing" and various other names ["dacking" in Australia] is the act of pulling down a person's pants and sometimes also the person's underwear, which reveals the person's genitalia. The most common method is to sneak up behind the intended victim, grab the pants', shorts', or skirt's waistband, and apply a quick downward tug before the victim is aware of the debagger's presence.[1] Note: In some states, (e.g. Massachusetts) that is considered sexual harassment and can result in suspension and/or expulsion.
1.2 Circle game
The central theme in the Malcolm in the Middle "Dinner Out" TV episode is the circle game (also known as hole-tempting or ball-gazing), where by a person gets someone else to look at their hand while forming a circle below the waist. If they look, the prankster gets to hit them.[2]
The Circle Hand Game can be traced back to 1929 when the 'brothers' of the City College of New York's Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity were searching for a new way to haze pledges without technically breaking CCNY's anti-hazing rules.[3]
这个怎么说……换成中文音响效果应该是:“你看你看……砰……啪……啊……” , 不试图翻译
1.3 Flat tire or flat foot
The heel of the victim is trodden upon, which may cause the victim to stumble. Stepping on the rear portion of the shoe as the foot lifts and thereby removing it is also a "heels" variant known as a "flat tire". A variant is to kick their heel forwards as it lifts.[1]
1.4 Hertz doughnut
This prank fools the victim into giving their permission to get punched. The prankster approaches the chosen target with a closed doughnut or pastry box and asks "Would you like a hertz doughnut?" If the target says yes, the prankster then punches the target in the arm and asks "Hurts, don't it?" (which sounds like "doughnut").
1.5 Indian or Chinese burn
Known primarily as an "Indian burn" or "Chinese burn" in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, "buffalo skin" in India, "snake bite" or "Indian rub" in Canada, an "Indian sunburn" or "Indian rug burn" in the United States (except in some midwest states such as Wisconsin where it is known as a snakebite), "policeman's glove" or "hundred needles" in Hungary, "barbed wire" in the Netherlands, "needles" in Bulgaria and "Brennessel" ("stinging nettle") in Austria and the southern parts of Germany, "thousand needle stings" in the northern parts of Germany, "thousand needles" in Sweden, "Nettle" in Poland and Russia, "French Cuff" in Denmark, this is a prank done by grasping the victim's forearm firmly in both hands, and then twisting the hands in opposite directions about the victim's arm, causing the tender skin to stretch, making it red and sore.[1]
1.6 Kancho
Kancho is a prank played out in Japan;[4] it is performed by clasping the hands together so the index fingers are pointing out and attempting to insert them sharply into someone's anal region when the victim is not looking.[5] It is similar to the wedgie or a goosing.

1.7 "Kick me"
A note (commonly reading "Kick me") is attached to the back of an unsuspecting victim. This prank may be performed with Post-it notes or other objects like paper and tape.[1]
1.8 Mooning
"Mooning" is displaying one's bared buttocks to someone, so-called because the buttocks are generally not suntanned, so resembles a full moon. It is commonly performed out of windows of moving buses and cars. There are rare cases when the person is in a room and the lights are off, but once the lights are turned on, the offender's buttocks are visible, hence the name "full moon". There are cases where the pants are pulled down in the front to show the frontal areas.
一样的脱裤子,不过这个是主动的……所以其实脱裤子这个行为作为恶作剧的构成要素完全不在乎你脱的是谁的裤子,关键词是主动…………翻成“亮屁屁”或者 “亮萝兜”?
我们初中的时候流行问人家“安不安猪头”或“安不安猪耳朵”,一般含含糊糊地问,对方听不清就回回答 “唵?”
回复删除这个跟hertz donut是一路的